Materi yang disajikan meliputi, Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris, Sejarah, Tata Negara, Deret Hitung dan lain-lain, kami sajikan sebagai tambahan/suplemen buat Anda yang akan mencalonkan diri sebagai Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS).
Latihan Soal Tes CPNS Bahasa Inggris:
It has been noted that small and medium enterprises (SMEs) play very important roles in the national economic development. Though having a predominant role, most of SMEs D-8 member countries (developing countries) are usually lacking in their competitive edge. This has influenced their ability to access markets or improve market share, to access fund sources (credit), to access information and technology, and caused many other weaknesses.
One solution to cope with this problem is developing business networking trough trading house will provide business development service for SMEs to join SME business networking among SMEs in D-8 member countries.
1. What is the main topic of the passage?
A. Coping the problem with business with networking
B. The role of SMEs of national economy development
C. The important of business networking among SMEs
D. D-8 member countries lack competitive edge
Answer: B
2. According to the passage, do SMEs have great significant role?
A. Yes, the play important role in the national economic development
B. No, they are lacking in their competitive edge
C. Yes, they have an access to improve market share
D. No, they have a predominant role
Answer: A
3. How to overcome the problem faced by SMEs?
A. Improve market share
B. Develop business networking
C. Provide business development service
D. Dacilities each member country
Answer: A
4. What do you define about business networking?
A. Formal cooperation arrangements between at least three business institutions
B. Indonesian cooperatives which are now more tahan 80.000 units
C. The business which use internet in selling and purchasing comodities
D. Internet business arrangement
Answer: A
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